Fun on a Holiday Friday: New-Age Bullshit Generator
Heathen that I am, I forgot that today was a holiday, until someone at work reminded me and even after that, I couldn’t remember which holiday it was. In my defence, I have been flu-ridden for the last...
View Article“The 64 Gazillion Dollar Question”
Before I received my Autumn 2015 issue of Humanist Perspectives, a friend asked me if I’d read Richard Young’s editorial, “The 64 Gazillion Dollar Question: How do you know?” I finally received my copy...
View ArticleCanadians not as credulous as Angus Reid thinks
Angus Reid Institute has published the results of a survey about Canadians’ beliefs in various conspiracy theories: “Extra-Terrestrials and other Stranger Things: Four-in-Five Canadians believe”. Now,...
View ArticleWeekly Update: 29-Oct-2016 to 4-Nov-2016
Here’s your Canadian Atheist Weekly Update for 29-Oct-2016 to 4-Nov-2016. [24-Oct-2016] Medicine Hat judges ordered 4-year-old not to wear girls’ clothes in public Apparently these types of court...
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