LogiCON vs. Skepticamp
The Greater Edmonton Skeptic Society recently hosted a very successful event at the Telus World of Science in Edmonton (the planetarium/science centre). Pictures can be found on Flickr and GESS...
View ArticleRegister for Vancouver SkeptiCamp 2011
While not an atheist event, SkeptiCamp is a great venue for testing your critical thinking skills and getting active in the “reality-based community.” Designed as an “un-conference” where attendees are...
View ArticleEconomics as theology?
There’s an interesting post over at The Sixth Estate, which questions whether economics should really be considered a science: …What is being advanced by mainstream economists is not (despite what...
View Article“Not psychologically ready”
The Toronto psychic backs off the Million Dollar Challenge. “Psychic” Nikki claimed she wasn’t ducking us, saying, “I’m not refusing to take his test at all. I still need some information on it.” Well,...
View ArticleDaniel Loxton: Too Hot for the USA
This is the face of a man deemed “so outrageous, so outlandish, so controversial,” that no American publisher would consider his new children’s book Evolution. Those words come from a new Globe and...
View ArticleExplosive skepticism?
Email listservs can be useful for disseminating information and calling for volunteers, but they can also devolve into banter and many of the same tired arguments. This clip comes from something that...
View ArticleCFI Canada: Resignations and Revelations
As promised, today brings another wave of resignations from Centre for Inquiry Canada. It must be clear that the Board of Director’s official statement was insufficient to prevent further...
View ArticleBeyond CFI Canada–Reasons for optimism
For anyone still not fully caught up on the drama that has become CFI Canada’s latest implosion, check out Katie Kish’s piece at SkepChick. Overall I think it’s the most impartial of all of the work to...
View ArticleNow the Catholics care about children’s safety?
Wi-Fi hysteria is one of those issues that really grinds me. There must be a checklist that pseudoscience journalists (because no one pays for real science journalists anymore) have when discussing the...
View ArticleMusic as an Analogy for Education
Ian Bushfield posted a link, on Twitter, to “Shocking! The real purpose of your life!,” a video which criticizes education for being a goal-oriented process:
View ArticleFun on a Holiday Friday: New-Age Bullshit Generator
Heathen that I am, I forgot that today was a holiday, until someone at work reminded me and even after that, I couldn’t remember which holiday it was. In my defence, I have been flu-ridden for the last...
View Article“The 64 Gazillion Dollar Question”
Before I received my Autumn 2015 issue of Humanist Perspectives, a friend asked me if I’d read Richard Young’s editorial, “The 64 Gazillion Dollar Question: How do you know?” I finally received my copy...
View ArticleCanadians not as credulous as Angus Reid thinks
Angus Reid Institute has published the results of a survey about Canadians’ beliefs in various conspiracy theories: “Extra-Terrestrials and other Stranger Things: Four-in-Five Canadians believe”. Now,...
View ArticleWeekly Update: 29-Oct-2016 to 4-Nov-2016
Here’s your Canadian Atheist Weekly Update for 29-Oct-2016 to 4-Nov-2016. [24-Oct-2016] Medicine Hat judges ordered 4-year-old not to wear girls’ clothes in public Apparently these types of court...
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